November Trailblazer and     A Dash of Joy

November Trailblazer and A Dash of Joy

The Season of Giving is upon us. Purely by chance, we may be starting a new tradition here on the Trailblazer series - guests bearing gifts. This gift will be symbolically unwrapped during this interview with this month’s Trailblazer - national nonprofit United for HER and Susan Weldon, Founder and CEO.

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April Trailblazer & Dash of Joy

April Trailblazer & Dash of Joy

Welcome to the Episode 2 of the Trailblazer series. Have you ever asked yourself if Wonder Woman was real? Ask no more. She lives and her name is Jamil Rivers. She is also our Trailblazer of the Month. Jamil was diagnosed with MBC at age 39. She is a mother of three, a caregiver, a full-time CEO of a non-profit organization , the board president of METAvivor and if that’s not enough, she has recently embarked on a new venture—The Chrysalis Initiative, a project dedicated to eliminating disparities in outcomes for Black women with breast cancer.  Also in this episode is a Dash of Joy from Our MBC Life’s own Dar Finkelstein. Dar is committed to living a life of joy and she shows us all how to do it. An episode full or hope, inspiration and joy.

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Trailblazer and Dash of Joy

Trailblazer and Dash of Joy

Our first season 2 trailblazer focuses on the patient - providing them with free services that enable them to focus on healing and time with their families. Through their Thriver Fund, 305 Pink Pack also provides dedicated to support to those living with metastatic breast cancer. Meet Rosemary Carrera of 305 Pink Pack and come south with us to Miami. Also in this episode is a Dash of Joy from Our MBC Life’s own Dar Finkelstein. Dar is committed to living a life of joy and she shows us all how to do it. An episode full or hope, inspiration and joy.

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