Advocacy from a Legislator’s Perspective - Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz

Advocacy from a Legislator’s Perspective - Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz shares with us the power of the patient advocate voice and the impact of personal stories. She talks about how her own experience with breast cancer has shaped her approach to issues related to healthcare. We are so thrilled to get a legislator’s perspective as we explore Our MBC Life.

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           Policy and the Power of            Patient Advocacy

Policy and the Power of Patient Advocacy

“I see so much in the metastatic community this idea of just paying it forward, this idea of, yeah, this might not actually help me right now, but I'm still going to bring it up and I'm still going to advocate for it because it will help somebody else.” This is the story about the power of advocacy. Meet some of the individuals and organizations who are advocating for metastatic breast cancer every day wherever the work takes them.

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