Season 5: Interviews, MBC101, Giveaways, and Much More…

This season is dedicated to our beloved Lisa Laudico.

Introducing Season 5 of the Our MBC Life Podcast. We, at the podcast are still grieving the passing of our founder Lisa Laudico, and this season is dedicated to her. It was her desire that this podcast continue on. She is our guiding light as we forge the path ahead. We start the season with a tribute to Lisa and share voices that talk about her life and legacy. This episode will be released on October 5th.

How to sign up for the Our MBC Life newsletter?

  1. From the Our MBC Life landing page. A pop-up window to join our mailing list wise ensure that your name is added to our newsletter distribution.

  2. At the top and the bottom of the landing page, you will find a subscription option to join the newsletter.

  3. Alternatively, at the bottom of the Share Cancer Support landing page look for a “Receive Our Newsletter” button. That is another way to sign up for our newsletter and the MBC newsletter from our parent non-profit

How to join the Our MBC Life FB group?

If you go to our Facebook page and just hit the group tab, there will be an option for you will create a submission to join our group. It is a closed group. Each person has to be admitted by a group admin.

Giveaways for the Our MBC Life merchandise

There's two ways that you can participate in this giveaway.

  1. Sign on to our Facebook group by October 7th. After our episode is released, on that day we are going to announce the winners. We are giving away five hoodies to people who have signed up to our Facebook group.It will be a random selection.

  2. On the MBC Awareness Day, October 13th, we are giving away 5 more hoodies on our Instagram page for those who will sign up for our newsletter.

Follow us

Twitter @ourmbclife
Instagram @ourmbclife




The Legacy of Lisa Laudico


Report Back from ASCO 2022: What’s the Latest in MBC Research?