Our MBC Life

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Twisted Pink and a Dash of Joy

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We all know a simple fact that MBC is the only stage of breast cancer that kills. Forty thousand people in the United States have been dying of breast cancer every year since the ’90s and this number has not changed.

Recent medical advances give some of us a longer survival rate and better quality of life with new drug therapies. Still, there is no cure.

The only way we will find a cure is through research and science.

But the task of improving our odds through better funded research can’t be placed on those of us living with MBC alone.  Only with the help of allies, we can hope to see the cure, allies like Caroline Johnson who is the founder of Kentucky-based non-profit Twisted Pink whose sole mission is to raise funds for MBC 

Caroline was 39 years old in May 2013 when diagnosed with stage III ER+ breast cancer. 

She started Twisted Pink a year later after completing chemotherapy, radiation and several surgeries. She saw a need to do something for the men and women who were being left behind the pink ribbon!  Caroline was already an experienced advocate by then. She became active in medical research advocacy after the birth of her youngest son Michael. who was born with an extremely rare chromosome deletion in 2005.  


 Robert L. Delaby Scholarship Award - one person will be selected annually to attend the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting in Chicago, IL, as a patient advocate sponsored by Twisted Pink in Rob’s memory. The total value of the scholarship is estimated at $2500 to include registration, transportation and lodging.

Hope Scarves is an international non-profit organization based in Louisville, Kentucky. Our mission is to support people facing cancer through scarves, stories, and research.In addition to scarves and stories, Hope Scarves has established a Metastatic Breast Cancer Research Fund to support cutting edge researchers and clinical trials around the country.

Beat It Music Festival

Jennifer Alderman - Turning Hope Into Treatments

Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. We do this through advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of people with autism; and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions.

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If you want more JOY in your life you can join Dar (@dardarfi on Insta) on her joyful journey here on the podcast every month and on our social feeds. Want more? Join one of Dar’s joyful groups.
Choose to Live with Joy on Facebook and Instagram - a public group for anyone to have Joy, share Joy, & help others get Joy in their life.
Making Our Best MBC Life - a private facebook group for those who have been diagnosed with Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer. It is dedicated to being a place for uplifting conversation and ideas to help us live our very best life with MBC.


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No one should face MBC alone.
Whether you have a diagnosis yourself, or you're a friend, family member or caregiver of someone with a diagnosis, we're here to lend support, give information, share experiences, and to lift you up every time you need it. Research has proven that having the support we need during our most challenging times is paramount to honing coping skills and striving for wellness. Our supportive network is made of people just like you, who DO know what it's like, who HAVE been there, who CAN help.

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